Born 1934 in Fort-de-France, Martinique.
Lives and works in Nice, France.
Hélénon’s oeuvre emerges as significant within a global art world and intellectual community whose attention has turned increasingly toward transatlantic histories and postcolonial theoretical interventions. His art had developed from academic training and publicity design, to folkloric representational strategies, to the appropriation of historical avant-garde styles, up through more enduring abstraction which the artist calls "une figuration Autre." Hélénon took part in his first exhibition in 1960 at the Salon de la Marine in Toulon. He participated in the first historic exhibition of the École Négro-Caraïbe (Black-Caribbean School) was presented at the French cultural center in Abidjan in November 1970. The name of this “school” refers neither to a formalized artistic movement nor to an institution of fine-arts education. Rather it designates Hélénon’s individual output in dialogue with several likeminded Martinican artists of his generation who lived and worked in Francophone West Africa during the immediate post-independence decades.